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The Museum of the Society of Hellenism and Philhellenism

Location: Athens, Greece


Description: The Museum of the Society of Hellenism and Philhellenism, in Athens, Greece. The mission of the Museum is to present the evolution of philhellenism from the Renaissance to the present day, with an emphasis on its contribution to the national independence of Greece, the cradle of Western civilisation.



 The Museum of the Society of Hellenism and Philhellenism

The Museum is located in a central area thus affected by heavy CO2 levels. It is composed of 4 floors of exhibitions of 133 m2 each in floor of offices, and 1 storage floor. Each floor has a separate entrance. There are few visible windows in the building as most windows are covered with plasterboard, and it is used as an exhibit wall. The air is recycled using a few windows that are placed outside the main exhibition halls and in the staircase. Wall insulation is 5cm dow panel placed in between brick layers. In addition, there are no LED lights.



Target Groups: The internal users: The daily users/occupants of this building (ie. for the museum) who use it more frequently, who manage it and how have the responsibility of controlling its daily conditions, temperature, humidity, etc. Characteristics of the users that could be relevant could be described: their motivation and interest in the project, and ways that they can contribute to the project success.

Note: It is clarified that during the presentations of the methodologies and the discussions we hold with the museum representatives, we should be clear that we need to identify the roles. 

For example, for the Museum the internal users are:

·       the owners and administrators: who owns the building and the collection. His interest is to lower the bill of energy, increase work comfort and satisfaction for his employers and ensure that the collection is stored in the optimal conditions of humidity, temperature, etc. He aims to build a modern museum, demonstrate the potential contribution to the small community around it by improving the overall appearance of the museum, as well as improve the micro-clima around it with the green roof and overall be an emblematic building in the area, a place of interest to those who want to learn about the potential of the green technologies.

·       The guide and cashier: who is interested to have comfortable working conditions.

The external users: These are visiting frequently the place/building, but are not everyday there and have limited influence to its conditions control, but have interests in it. For the museum:

The visitors are of diverse target groups, 4500 individuals per year, including individuals, schools, academic institutions, researchers, associations, etc. They may be visiting the exhibitions, or taking part in the activities that are organized by the museum collaborators which include workshops and seminars, theater and music events, performances, etc. They have an interest to enjoy comfortable visiting conditions, and could be actively engaged to contributing to green activities of the museum. For example, they may be involved in requesting the reduction of the temperature of the exhibition if they can contribute to the reduction of the energy bill, they may be engaged in other green activities, for example use the stairs instead of the elevator. These actions will also raise awareness to the public visitors about the project, the potential of their own choices, and these can be adopted in longer term at their everyday life. The active contribution of visitors may be rewarded in Green Euro, which can be used to pay for the souvenirs sold at the museum upon their exit.